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2012 Mother Lode Region AOY Big Boat Division

Scott Burke & Garrett Maddex Mother Lode Region AOY

Garrett Maddex and Scott Burke

Consistency is what it takes when you are in the hunt for Angler of the Year.  However Scott Burke and Garrett Maddex did not know they would be Anglers of the Year because going into the Delta Tournament they were multiple points behind the team of Lindsey and Sanders. Garrett Maddex has been married to his wife Karie for nine years.  He has a 16 year old daughter and a seven week old son.  He was unable to fish the McClure Tournament because his wife had just given birth to their son Chase, but he was in consent contact with his partner during the tournament via phone.  Garrett has been tournament fishing for the last 4-5 years. Scott Burke and his wife Lisa have been married for nineteen years and have two daughters.  Scott has been fishing for twenty years and tournament fishing for the last ten years.  This is his second year fishing with Garrett as a partner.  Watch out Scott, Garrett might have a new partner in the future. Scott and Garrett live only a couple of blocks apart in Oakdale and they not only enjoy fishing together but also their friendship.  When the two are together you can be assured that there will be a lot of laughing and fun going on.  Both anglers enjoy trying to figure out the fishing patterns of different lakes and learning new techniques.

Garrett and Scott would like to thank their biggest supporters, their wives, along with Manny from the Bait Barn and Randy from Escalon Bait and Tackle.

Kevin Cheek the Director and all his staff would like to say Congratulations to the both of you and look forward to see you both next year.